segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

O patrimônio de Lula

Por Esquemas Táticos //
Um blog do Financial Times publicou um artigo interessante sobre os dados de Lula vazados pelo hacker @nbdu1nder. A conclusão do artigo: pra quem esperava palacetes ou imóveis em condomínios de elite quebrou a cara. O que se revelou sobre o patrimônio de Lula mostra que o ex-presidente não é rico. Pelo contrário! Para o FT, os imóveis de Lula são classificados como "mal pintados" e "localizados em subúrbios perigosos". O FT conclui que o hacker, a despeito de incriminar o ex-presidente — considerado "ladrão" pela direita brasileira —, acabou por revelar que ele não tem nada de mais para quem tem mais de 30 anos de vida pública. Interessante que ninguém se preocupou com os imóveis subvalorizados do senador Aécio Neves (PSDB). Mesmo com um apartamento no Leblon e outro em Ipanema (entre outros imóveis em BH e Nova Lima, além da Rádio Arco-Íris), Aécio tem um patrimônio de pouco mais de 600 mil reais declarados em sua última prestação de contas eleitoral. Isso é que é ser bom comprador!

Jan 11, 2013 6:29pm by Joe Leahy

Brazil’s former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is facing plenty of pressure these days over allegations he was directly involved in the country’s biggest corruption case, the Mensalão.
Now comes an expose of what are supposedly his properties.
Readers will recall that the one-time leaders of Lula’s Workers’ Party in 2003 and 2004 have been convicted of stealing funds from state-owned enterprises and using them to bribe opposition lawmakers to support the former president’s government in Congress.
Lula himself has always denied any knowledge of the scheme. But now there are growing calls for an investigation into allegations that some of the money from the Mensalão was directed to the former leader himself for his personal use. Again, he has denied the accusations, which came from a businessmen convicted in the case.
So readers will be fascinated to learn then that a hacker has published details of what are purported to be Lula’s assets – in the form of a list of addresses of properties supposedly owned by the politician. This from the Associated Press:
A hacker has posted what appears to be private information of former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on the Internet to protest a major corruption scandal which he says “will end in nothing.”
The addresses of properties said to be owned by Silva, phone numbers, companies registered in his name and his taxpayer number were posted on Twitter. The hacker identified himself as nbdu1nder.
The trial surrounding a cash-for-votes corruption scheme saw 25 people convicted, including former top aides to Silva.
Silva’s office would not confirm the authenticity of the information posted on Twitter and said it had no comment.
But those expecting palatial residences in São Paulo’s elite neighbourhoods, beachfront condos in Copacabana or sprawling fazendas in the Brazilian Amazon will be disappointed. The properties revealed by the site, while not exactly a pauper’s empire, are definitely not those of your typical bling-covered sleazebag politician with a trophy wife on his arm.
The most respectable is Condominio Residencial Hill House, a normal-looking apartment building in São Bernardo do Campo, the suburb of São Paulo where the former president began his career as a trade unionist. He has one, possibly two apartments here, according to the hacker.

From here it goes rapidly downhill, apparently. Lula has another property in the same suburb, a shabby looking joint in a not very salubrious neighbourhood that is up for sale with graffiti covering the front fence.
Then there is a humble house in a town deep in the interior of the state of São Paulo that looks like it too badly needs a coat of paint.
Finally, there is the pièce de résistance, a house in an area of the northeastern city of Natal called Felipe Camarão, which roughly translates as Philip Shrimp. Judging by pictures taken from Google Maps photos, this is not a place you would want to wander at night, especially when a YouTube search throws up videos about homicides and other social problems.
Overall, the allegedly ill-begotten assets look like nothing more than those that someone with a normal salary and an inheritance or two thrown in might end up with after a lifetime of work. Think of the estate of your spendthrift old uncle Bob rather than Silvio Berlusconi. Either way, the hacker – who proudly declares “Live the Revolution” – has in fact done defenders of Lula’s cause more good than harm.
After all, if this humble collection was the best a corrupt politician in Brazil could muster, then surely most would stick with their day jobs.

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